About Us

Gotcha Pets is the company who truly cares about companion animals.  We weren’t created to make online shopping more accessible, nor were we created to speed up shipping expectations even further than today’s expectations.  We were created, however, to give back and provide homes.  To give back generously to the same animals we sell supplies for and make a profit off, in hopes that more animals can experience their own “Gotcha Day”, otherwise known as their
adoption day. 

We envision a world where no animal loses their life because of a lack of space or because they have medical needs deemed unnecessary due to cost.

Our mission is to be the world’s leading donor in support of
animal welfare, and to do that we’ll need YOUR support in making us the go-to
pet supplier.

Our Mission

Founder's Message

When I adopted my dog, Vee – I, like so many others, wished I could adopt them all.  Any time I was asked to donate at checkout at my local brick-and-mortar pet supplier, the donation would be a miniscule amount – simply what I could afford, not what I wanted to give.  What I wanted to do was to truly make an impact – I wanted to prove to the nation’s leading donors that what they’re doing is not enough.

American metros have been struggling in recent years to provide care for all, mostly due to a lack of resources – which leads to limitations of space, staff, medicine, and ultimately tough decisions like euthanasia.  In some states, certain breeds end up in shelters automatically due to
unjust and outdated restrictions which ban them from homes and communities.

Now, if I was born into money – I’d just cut a check every
month.  Since I wasn’t, I started Gotcha Pets, LLC – a new online pet supplier that looks to do EVERYTHING your go-to store does now, at the same price, with the same convenience – however, we will donate 25% of our sales profits every quarter to a partner rescue or shelter. 

My faith in humanity is asking you all if you’d rather your
spent money to do some good, assuming your experience remains unchanged or